

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第十章 访贝特·道格拉斯公司(上)

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:9698 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:45:58



Chapter 10 Visit to Bethe Douglas Company(A)

Clark at the airport restaurant to eat breakfast, then came to the newsstand and bought a city map of Nassau. He opened the map to see for a while and finally found out the street that named Black Stone to be near the edge of the city. He waved to stop a taxi, then towards the direction of the street. When the car was standing in front of a building, Clark thought that is this Bethe Douglas Company? Looks like the environment here are good, not much the pedestrians.

The building has more than twenty floors, the exterior wall of light gray, rows of uniform installation the sapphire blue glass window. Hanging above building door lintel, there are several characters of "Bethe Douglas Company Headquarters". The inside of the door is a hall. On one side of the hall is information desk, two or three staff members standing there, ready to serve the guests. The other side of the hall is into several units of sofa matrix, an elderly couple and a young woman sitting there to have a rest.


“您好先生, 我能帮您吗?”


“对不起先生 ,本公司的业务接待处一共有六个,不知您要找哪一个?”那位小姐和霭地问。

Clark into the door stood there, considering which side is going, a Miss with pleasant **ile from the front desk over there to meet him.

‘Hello Sir, can I help you?’

‘Thank you! I want to find your business reception.’

‘I'm sorry Sir, the reception of the company a total of six, I don't know which one do you want to talk to?’ The lady kind to ask.





‘Is...’, Clark was some speechless, can't remember the word.

‘Oh, I know!" The lady **iled and said, ‘You must be looking for the Playing a Month for Youth business reception,is it right?’

‘Yeah, how did you know that?’

‘The thing of in your hand told me.’





At this time, Clark was holding the picture of Playing a Month for Youth of advertising posters. He couldn't help to laugh while he glanced at this paper.

‘It is strange,’ the lady then said, ‘since this business reception establishing, someone who coming to the company as the nine times out of ten are looking for them. You this way, please.’

‘Who visit the Playing a Month for Youth what persons are?’

‘Mostly older rich, young rarely afford so big of the price, and sometimes is not necessary.’





‘There may be exceptions.’

‘Of course but it is the first as you so handsome.’

Clark laughed, and he felt quite good with this lady.

Services Miss had brought Clark to the door of the elevator when they talked, and the lady said: ‘on the tenth floor to right, I wish you well.’



Clark from his pocket pulled out a few one-dollar bills, as a tip to the lady's hand, he was satisfied with the service of the lady.

Clark is the right, what besides some elderly to think in the way of life to start all over again, there is plenty of exceptions, such as drug dealers and the bank robbers. When they are rich and want to escape of the legal recourse, in addition to co**etic surgery, Bethe Douglas Company provides technical services are the most effective method, as well as patients with ***ual perversion. They can be spared the pain of the knife to cut meat, wanting to be what shape then becomes what shape, to be very convenient. There are not satisfied for their looks, as long as rich, can also change appearance for themselves. If there is no fraud, this is a not bad choice. Point of view, the service market is not **all!



The elevator stopped at the tenth floor and the door opened automatically. Clark inserted hands into pockets, and confidently came out from the inside of the lift.

This is a long corridor, on both sides there are pathways, it forms the "H" word of structure. The outer wall all is windows which on one side of the channel, people can gaze for the city scenery. Playing a Month for Youth of business negotiation room is distributed in both sides of the corridor which it is middle, about a dozen of single rooms. When Clark appeared in the corridor, the eyes of some clerks in the front desk to be a bright, their prey coming over.




‘Hello Sir! The Playing a Month for Youth negotiation you are with this way, please.’ Speaking is a young man. He wore a suit, bright hair to brush oil very **ooth.

‘About a fly doesn't also want to stand on.’ Clark supposed.

The sale**an **iled to give of a path for him.




They walked into an empty negotiation room beginning to talk.

‘I am the operator of a nursing home,’ Clark said bluntly, ‘some older friends are interested in your advertisement, they cannot come and entrust me to get to know.’ Clark said and picked up the advertisement.

‘Welcome to your arrival, and our company will wholeheartedly serve to you gentlemen, I believe you have seen the advertising, and have been to our business of a first impression, now, I tell you of further explain.


‘After you decide to accept the service of the Playing a Month for Youth, you can sign a contract with the company, the contract takes effect immediately after payment. The contract includes a schedule that is convenient customer. At the appointed time, the customer to the company headquarters, that just is the building, the registration, then the company provided by the special plane, to the beautiful scenery of leisure resorts, travel for thirty days. Where customers can visit of the seaside scenery, can eat to the savory seafood, can also play diving in the shallow sea coral. Of course, these are not the key point, but the Playing a Month for Youth service is focused on: The Tunnel of Life. We can make each client who into The Tunnel of Life to be rejuvenation.



‘One thing to note is that in addition into the The Tunnel of Life of the customer himself, the costs of the accompanying travel and expenses for board and lodging, payment must be made in addition, the company only to provide the convenience.

‘Please look at this,’ the clerk said, pointing to a table that on the monitor screen of computer, ‘the company's services are divided into A, B, C three categories. Class A service scope is: customer satisfied with their original physical hardware and they want rejuvenation on the basis of the original. For this type of customer, we can fully meet their demands, let them return to their youth, start living again. However, this kind of service is a little inconvenient that the customer must be ahead of time about ten years to make an appointment. B and C the two types of service have a wide applicability, customers want to change their original image and even gender, after the company will be able to use the latest technology to let him or her become to completely different.’




‘A kind of service I have understood, but two classes of B and C still have some questions, if customers want to be what kind, you can make him or her into a what kind?’ Clark asked.

‘Oh...... can be to do this of to some extent,’ said the sale**an carefully worded, ‘so, general by we provide several samples, the customer can choose in these samples.’

‘B class and C services also need to advance booking?’





‘Don't need, as long as a signed contract and implementation date after payment.’

‘What's the difference between B class and C?’

‘The service of class B belongs to the high-quality series to be the company's brand products. Class C the service belongs to the ordinary series to be the company's general product. There is a certain gap, what two types of products from the point of internal and external quality. Sometimes class C service that there are some better samples, but not stable.’

‘Can you let me see the samples that you provide?’

注释: [1][2][3] 许多著名的电影明星也叫这些名字。