

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第十三章 失踪者(上)

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:15868 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:45:58


Chapter 13 The Missing(A)

Clark was against the seat on the plane. The situation of the day appeared in his mind. He remembered Bethe Douglas Company that sale**an said, ‘We never to clone body, because the way is too original. We only put the people of the genes in the nucleus to rearrange in accordance as the sample.’ How much is the trust about this sentence? Are they really found a more convenient way?



His eyes were staring at one place, and carefully think through the question in his head. On many occasions, he often does not have time to ****yze the situation cautiously, so all rely on intuition to decide, and the experience tells him that his instincts accuracy above eighty percent. From today's feeling, he thought the guy talking nonsense. When the sale**an was talking, his facial expression was watching to Clark secretly, this scenario was in front of eyes of Clark.

When a person is fabrication lying, often special attention to the reaction of the other party, because he is very concerned about whether his own lies to play an effect.



After repeated comparison, Clark encountered as if this kind of situation, so he still tended to his original idea, and he needs to collect more evidence to prove the point. As for the things that he met in the 21st floors, some can't find the answer for a while, some need to take of the brain to think yet.

At this time, he felt a little tired, then closed his eyes and started to nap.



After several hours of flight, the "challenger" landed. When it stopped gradually in the side of the runway, from the window at the plane, Clark saw two cars in black already there waiting.

The man who Mr Clark never met, since put him on the plane, had been sitting in a seat that is another row, without saying a word. At this time, he stood up and went to the front of Clark. ‘It seems my task has been completed,’ he said to Clark and held out his hand shook, ‘wish you good luck.’ He opened the door, down the ramp.



For this boring flight, Clark has been tired already, in spite of this, he yet toward to the man **iled and to a brief nod politely, then drill out of the cabin. Standing on the ladder, he looked to the sky studded with stars, took a deep breath, it seems fresher about the air of the United States.

‘Mr.Clark, please get into the car.’ A headquarters staff said, pointing to the opened door.



Just to be free of Clark trapped again, he felt that he to like some transported goods which from one place to another to be no choice. For such arrangements, he felt very uncomfortable, but he cannot refuse. The car had warmed up as soon as the door closed, and from the airport quickly drove out of a side door of airport.

Clark thought: exactly what it is, so to rush to catch me?



Mr Knight like **oking, but doctors warned him: if it doesn't stop **oking to beware of mortal danger. He had left the cigarette many times and still cannot achieve the goal, not long ago also discuss with Clark the most effective way to quit **oking!

Mr. Knight has a British breed of dog who she is pregnant now. How to take care of her? Mr Knight felt of the dilemma. It's hard to believe that only for these things? Clark denied shook his head.



There was a legend that the UFO last month had intruded in Washington, it is said that a reporter took some photos for the aliens, perhaps really have it. However, Mr. Clark thought to send Mr. Knight a statement. He never has experience about interstellar things, please don't impose. In addition, Clark didn't think of anything else anymore.

After a few minor bumps, the car slowly pulled into the headquarters of the gate. Like to fear losing Clark, two workers had been accompanying him into the building.



There was the file from a desk to another one successively in the office to be very busy. Each staff carried the heavy eyelid have to be occupied, originally should have to sleep by this time.

It looks like something really wrong.




‘Hurry Clark,’the Sweet lady who is secretary of Mr.Knight saw him and said, ‘ everyone is looking for you.’

‘Who is looking for me? Maybe I am a valuable treasure.’ Clark said.

‘You don't have to find deputy director Knight, directly to the office of the director, he was there.’ Sweet lady said.



‘Go direct to the director of the office?’ Clark's nerve bundled more tightly. On the basis of experience, director does not directly to deal with the crisis, unless the situation is very urgent.

Clark got into the office of the director. The atmosphere was not too nervous, and Taylor of the director was behind a desk, and Mr. Knight sat on a side. Clark came in, director of two after seen him and stood up together. Director Taylor said: ‘You are coming just, Edmund, please sit here.’ Three gentlemen were sitting on the sofa beginning their talks.





‘What the heck is going on?’Mr. Clark asked nervously.

‘Situation is this morning at ten o'clock... no," director Taylor took one look at the wall clock that it was pointed at one o'clock in the middle night, ‘It should be said that at about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, the President's daughter Merry suddenly disappeared.’

‘The President's daughter was missing?’ Clark can't believe his ears.

‘The President is very worried about whether Merry falls into the international terrori** gangs, it is bad to him as throwing the atomic bomb, the first lady wants you by name to dispose of the matter, because she trusts to you.’ The chief said.




‘Me?... I hope won't let her down!’

‘With wisdom and courage, you must be successful.’ Mr. Knight encouraged him on the side.

‘When this case happened, where was the bodyguard of White House?’


‘Original maybe things won't happen,’ chief Taylor said, ‘Merry unable to endure the inconvenience to let as bodyguards with, she avoided security systems of monitoring suddenly and with her partner who is another girl secretly go out, then after according to the owner of a grocery store said that she might have been hijacked.’





A lot of accidents happened as such of the protected often don't respect the opinions of the bodyguards, arrogant, to go his own way, to cause of a lot of troubles to the security work, once an accident, panic and lose the head. Clark at this point, it is sympathetic to the White House security guards who at this time like a cat on hot bricks.

‘Where is her companion?’

‘Her was missing with Merry together.’

‘Is there no telephone? For example, the kidnappers have what conditions?’





‘So far, there has been no news, but just this is particularly unsettling. If a rogue gang to cause, the consequences will be serious yet.’

Clark calculated to pull the finger that from Merry was missing to now have 15 hours, if it is extortion, now should also have the news, maybe this is another case.

Clark asked: ‘how many people know this matter?’

‘Besides the bodyguards, only the presidential couple, part of senior White House officials as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and our people of the few superior officials know.’ Chief Taylor said.





‘Please strictly to keep secret, kidnappers probably don't know her identity.’ Clark said.

‘If it hadn't been for kidnapping, so if we can rule out the possibility of the political blackmail?’ Deputy director of the Knight said.

‘Yes, I think the possibility of the political kidnapping has not.’ Taylor's director said.

‘If not political kidnapping, what is that for the sake? Rape?’ Knight asked.




‘There is the possibility.’ Taylor said.

‘In South Asia, are there a few gangster organizations, they di**embered children and put their internal organ **uggling to developed countries? I wish they will not directly to the United States to do such a thing.’ Deputy director of the Knight said.

‘In the US to do this, for those people were too risky.’ Chief Taylor shook his head. At this moment, he found a long-time Clark didn't be voiced, then turned to Clark asked: ‘Edmund, talk about your opinion?’



Clark was alone thinking about this matter, not involved in the discussion of the two chiefs. There is a bold guess what it gradually formed within his mind. He said: ‘Whether I think to be there this possibility,’ he took the prints from pocket, that was from Bethe Douglas Company, described in detail everything he met in Nassau, especially in the headquarters of the company. Two chiefs heard later, felt very surprised.

‘You think these are associated with the disappearance of Merry, is it?’ Mr. Knight asked.

“是的,”克拉克颇有信心地说,“我是这样想的,如果该公司的服务是以一个新的躯壳去替换老的身体,那么,他们就必须准备许多‘样本’供客户挑选。这些样本从哪儿来呢?一个途径是自己制造,很难说现在没有人在克隆人体,比如A类服务与B类服务。另一个途径很可能是到其他地方去掠取。请看,”克拉克指着费用表说,“A类服务的费用是三十万美圆,B类服务的费用是四十万美圆,而C类却只有十万美圆。为什么?是不是C 类‘样本’的成本很便宜?这儿有个可能,那就是这些C类样本是从社会上直接掠取的,所以成本很低。有统计表明,仅美国每年失踪的儿童就达数万人,很难说该公司不会从这方面入手。”

‘Yes,’ Clark said with some confidence, ‘this is what I think, if the company's service is based on a new body to replace the old one, so they have to prepare many samples for the customer to choose. Where did you get the samples from? One way is to build, and now it is hard to say no one in the cloned human body, such as class A, and class B services. Another way is likely to plunder in other places. Please have a look at,’ Clark said, pointing to fee schedule, ‘A kind of service fee is 300,000 dollar, B class service fee is 400,000 dollar, and the class C is only 100,000 dollar. Why? Is it class C 'samples' cost very cheap? Here's a possibility, what there is the class C sample directly taken from the society, so the cost is very low. The statistics show that only in the United States the missing children every year tens of thousands of people, it's hard to say the company would not be from these aspects to do.’




After hearing the Clarks' ****ysis, the two chiefs looked at each other, they don't want to believe that this is true, but there is no reason to don't believe it.

Director Taylor said: ‘ To say so, was Merry captured to regard as a sample?’

‘I think there are the possibilities,’ Clark said, ‘at least not blackmail phone, and without further news, cannot be ruled out of this.’








After the chiefs exchanged views, Mr.Taylor made a final decision. He immediately got up and prepares to visit the White House, and he will show the President put forward the following suggestions:

1, Closely monitor the airport and seaport, and the southern coast, to find all suspicious clues.

2, Expand the investigation of the disappearance of all kinds.

3,Immediately contact the Bahamas of the authorities to get cooperation.

4, Verify the Bethe Douglas Company.

Clark, however, without saying a word, Taylor and Knight gave him a looking back, can't help was all shocked, it turns out that Clark had fell asleep upon the sofa.

‘He is too tired to let him sleep.’ Director of Taylor, picked up a coat and gently put on him.



Leave Washington, a highway extends to the south-west. About ten kilometers away from downtown of the place there is a fork on the road, along the fork on the road ahead to drive more than ten minutes, then you can see an abandoned building. Few people come here, but busy over a period from time to time some of the vehicles in and out of here.

Liam Lewis and his sister, Fred was tied up, and threw on the back of box car that is Ford motor in a blindfolded,their mouths tightly to adhibit with plastic paper. Surrounded by several motorcycles of this box car driving along the highway after a period of time, then turned down the fork lane.



Liam is a big boy of 15 years old, and he has dark-brown hair, long face, general appearance. Originally, he can be an able-bodied young man, but an accident, his left leg is a little lame.

His sister who Fred fourteen years old and taller than the girl of the same age, she seems to have some maturing. She has a head of golden hair, big eyes, is a very attractive girl.



A few months ago, their mom and dad lost his job and quarreled all day. Fred, her stepfather often drank, and even to want to rape her.

They really can't stand this life, one day, Liam to Fred said: ‘We leave this house, I am looking for a job to support you.’ Then, they escape from the disaster of family. Due to Liam is still very young, cannot find a legal job, they had to wander hiding in the abandoned house during the night, or curled up on a bench in the park. The days that only less than a month passed then by a group of black clothes caught captives on the car.

注释: [1] UFO,飞碟。